Momoko Seko - HOrn
Hornist and composer Momoko Seko is expanding musical vocabulary by drawing stylistic and conceptual principles as well as repertoire from world folk and contemporary genres. Known for interdisciplinary collaborations and eclectic performances, Momo programs independently as well as performing in chamber and large ensembles.
Momo is a passionate music educator, teaching private lessons and developing classroom music curricula in the Chicago area.
She has freelanced with classical ensembles such as the Pocket Philharmonic, Ensemble Dal Niente, Folks Operetta, the Grossman Ensemble, Rockford Symphony Orchestra, 3rd Coast Brass, and Music of the Baroque, as well as recorded or performed with novel ensembles such as The Shins, Chico Freeman’s Legacy Project, Ensemble Mik Nawooj, the Braeburn Brass quintet, and French horn and guitar duo Momo and Alvin. In 2024, the duo released a co-composed album titled “Among Other Things”; Momo’s compositional debut.
Momo enjoys growing culinary mushrooms and hanging out with her cat in her Chicago apartment. She is the 2023 winds fellow of the Chicago Luminarts Foundation. An Evanston native, her teachers include Oto Carrillo, Neil Kimmel, Gail Williams, Jon Boen, Cliff Colnot and Victor Yampolski.